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Frankie Graddon is Beauty Editor of The Pool, a quick and witty read covering the latest buzz in culture, politics, film, fashion, food, and of course, beauty. Here, she shares her self-tested tricks for keeping up with a hectic dawn to after-dark schedule.
The dead of winter isn't entirely depressing. For one, it’s socially acceptable to stay in all weekend without being labelled “uncool." Netflix is the new dinner party. Spread the word. And now that it’s turned colder, you can finally wear the winter coat you bought back in September. I’m also going to throw in roasted potatoes, turtlenecks, and not having to shave your armpits. Jolly, right?
If I were to single out the one issue I have with this time of year, however, it would be energy levels—or lack thereof. There is nothing quite like a dark and rainy 6 A.M. wake-up call to make getting out of bed positively excruciating. And just when we are supposed to be getting up early to do yoga stretches and drink mint tea. #NewYearNewMe. Hmm, maybe not today—someone pass the duvet.
Lovely though it would be to spend the next few weeks binge-watching TV while carbo-loading on carbonara, the world does insist on turning. There are deadlines to be met, meetings to be had, and dinners to be networked. There is also an entire month of Fashion Weeks on the horizon, which means I need to dress myself in something other than stretch jersey and hold a sensible conversation. My usual technique would be to fuel these weeks with buckets of Pinot; however, I've been testing other, healthier, sources for my energy kicks and have developed a solid daily routine to keep myself on the up. It goes a bit like this.

Given the chance, I would sell my own mother to spend an extra 5 minutes in bed, so a two-pronged attack is required here. The first is really quite simple: I’ve changed my alarm. After years of waking up to “horn fanfare,” I have swapped it to "birdsong." Revolutionary. There is nothing quite like a few happy chirps to help you feel more lively first thing. The second is a wonderfully zesty shower gel. I like to use something with lemon, orange, or mint and tea tree to make my showers zing. Emerge feeling wide awake and ready to face the day.
After a morning of meetings, planning, and deadlines, the afternoon has a tendency to drag. As lunch breaks are a thing of myth, midday exercise classes are out of the question. Instead, I have started walking the long way to my favorite sandwich shop. Just an extra 5 minutes of fresh air helps me clear my mind and reset for the hours ahead. Once back at my desk, I give myself a quick spritz with a refreshing face spray to keep my skin looking fresh and glowy. Look for one with aloe vera, which has a soothing effect.

By the end of the day, both my brain and face are on the floor. In the terrifying event that I need to socialize after work, a couple of things need to happen in the office ladies room, pronto. The first is a good spray of uplifting perfume. Anything with a bit of citrus and some florals does the trick. The second is dab of brightening eye cream to revive my tired mug. I use Clinique Pep-Start Eye Cream, which moisturizes, cools, and de-puffs. Because it’s very lightweight, I can just whack it on over the day’s makeup for a quick fix. After that, the world is my proverbial oyster—or my duvet, depending on your perspective.
Head over to The Pool and read Frankie's product review of Pep-Start Eye Cream, and why she's such a big fan.
Words: Frankie Graddon, Fashion and Beauty Editor of The Pool | Photos: Benjamin Madgwick